Scandinavia was one of the first region in the world to decriminalize homosexuality, giving equal rights to everyone.

Scandinavia in general – but especially Iceland it a „dream-destination“ for your gay travel. Scandinavia was one of the first region in the world to decriminalize homosexuality. Like the other nordic neighbors, Iceland have the most open and liberal attitude to any gender identity. Iceland decriminalize homosexuality basically the same time as the other nordic countreis. In 2010 the Icelandic Parliament voted to legalise same-sex marriage. It’s as normal being queer as anything else. Who ever you’re holding hand or kissing on the street it does not stand out – it’s just totally normal. No-one treat you different than any other „hetero“ couple. Because you’re just another person loving an another person.

Security is still an issue when you travel the world.

Unfortunately in more then 70 countries world it’s not legal to be gay. For some of these region you can even face death penalty for same-sex sexual acts between adults. Make sure, if you travel in one of these countries and you want to hook up with other gay’s, that you use a secure app and a secure connections. The u2nite gay dating app is probably the most secure dating app there is.

No matter your gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, age, ability of citizenship, we are entitled to have the same human rights and require a safe environment in order to participate fully in society. Love is love, no matter who you love.

So now back to the beautiful island of Iceland. If you’re looking for a vacation destination where you can be as free and safe as any can be, and at the same time experience the most fascinating nature Europe can offer, Iceland should be on the top of your gay-travel-list. But be also aware of that the summer heat is not that what you are used to in Italy or Spain….But doin’t worry – all the other experiences will count up for the weather.

Read more about this wonderful place wehre it’s just normal for you to be you:



Stefan Arestis

Apr 20, 2022



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