Unlimited Picture Upload

An engaged couple take a selfie with their dog

Upload as many pictures as you like

All features on u2nite are free to use. Why? Because we believe that to connect with each other should not be punished by paying an outrageous amount of money. Dating should be easy and fun without having to think about costs.

And most important: many of us don’t live in a wealthy western country but in countries where income and the ability to spend money on extras is limited. Let’s look at Grindr for example, where you are forced to pay USD 72 for Xtra, a year of Unlimited will cost you a hefty USD 173. You will surely agree that this is absurd. Of course, there are cheaper alternatives like Scruff but why should you have to pay anything at all?

When using u2nite you don’t have to pay for any features like push notifications, the uploading of images, chatting with each other, or even using our great „meet up“ function which comes in very handy when you are out traveling.

Dating should be easy, fun, free – and secure. This has been our focus from the start. To create an alternative to other apps that are emptying your pocket and delivering nothing.

Check out the u2nite dating app and don’t forget to tell your friends and community about us!



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